New York, May 16 - ArtWeb LLC introduces
Released on = May 22, 2007, 7:05 am
Press Release Author = SteveFlow
Industry = Computers
Press Release Summary = New York, May 16 - ArtWeb LLC introduces new trustworthy system of web templates design evaluation. It will help young talents to discover the professional level of their works and get competent independent judgement about their designer creative ability.
Press Release Body = The new system is called Design Rank. This is a kind of Page Rank in a way but only for designers. It aids everybody to examine his works and learn about all goodnesses and weaknesses of his designs. It can be good start of professional career or impulse to perfect your talents and skills. Design rank is determined by the team of professionals and skilled designers from ArtWeb LLC who thoroughly test each work taking into account following parameters and criteria: 1. Font characteristics - size - inscription - effects - readability - compatibility 2. Color characteristics - background quality - color spectrum - originality 3. Model - simplicity - size - marketability - originality 4. Logotype - originality - style - developmental work 5. Navigation - convenient menue - alternative navigation - links design - interactivity - design 6. Informational structure - developmental work of subpages - forms 7. Graphic arts - pictured graphics - original solutions - photo gallery Accordingly to these criteria each work gets its Design Rank. It can be from 0 up to 100. In addition to Design Rank a work will be accompanied by the comments of professionals.
Design rank is unique phenomenon in internet world. Every designer can get professional independent opinion about his work and its judgement. It will help him to realize what he\'s doing great and what mistakes he makes to avoid them in the future. Besides it\'s completely free of charge. - says Steve Jones, marketing manager of ArtWeb LLC. - We invite everyone to examine his work because it\'s really good chance to say hello to the world and your worth.
About TemplatesFlow TemplatesFlow is engaged in designing of ready templates, which are useful in the process of creating personal pages in the Internet or company\'s web sites. New templates appear on our site every day. And now there are more than 600 samples. They have relation to different spheres of human life and are represented in such a variety that every visitor can find template, which coincides with his understanding of life style. New image of our site will considerably simplify the process of its usage
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Contact Details = 67, Wall St. Suite, 2211 New York, NY 10005, USA
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